Barramundi in Thai Style Buerre Blanc

Barramundi in Thai Style Buerre Blanc

Recipe by Michael Weldon

Serves - 2
Prep Time - 5 mins
Cook Time - 10 mins


  • Kaffir lime

    Sliced Chilli

    2 x fillets of Barramundi

    White wine

    Chicken stock

    Fish Sauce

    Block of Butter



    Salt & Pepper


  • Heat a grill pan over a high heat. Drizzle the pan with oil and add fish skin side down. Press fish down on pan for the first 30 seconds to maintain good coverage to pan. Cook skin side down for 70% of cooking time.

    Look for fish to change colour to see if it is cooked half through.

    Flip fish once cooked half through and cook on second side for 1-minute.

    Remove fish and rest.

    Beurre Blanc Sauce

    In a pan reduce white wine, chicken stock , white wine , vinegar to a third.

    Heat up base and add cube of butter at a time and whisk until thick.