Spicy Prawn Oil & Tomato Pasta

Spicy Prawn Oil & Tomato Pasta

Spicy Prawn Oil & Tomato Pasta

Recipe By Courtney Roulston


  • 16 green (raw) king prawns, shells on

  • 400g San Remo spaghetti

  • sea salt and black pepper to taste

  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped

  • 1 x 250g punet cherry tomatoes, halved

  • ¼ cup basil leaves, picked

  • 30g parmesan cheese to serve, grated fresh from a block

spicy prawn oil

  • ¾ cup Squeaky Gate extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 tsp whole fennel seeds

  • 1 onion, diced and separated into two portions

  • ½ cup carrot, grated

  • 1 tbsp dried chilli flakes


  • To make the Spicy prawn oil, heat a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat. Add in the oil and prawn shells and fry for 8-10 minutes, or until the oil is fragrant and the shells have changed colour. Add in half the onion, fennel seeds, carrot, salt and chilli. Cook an a gentle heat for a further 8-10 minutes to infuse the oil. Allow to cool and drain the oil into a sterilised jar.

  • Bring a large pot of salted water up the boil. Cook the spaghetti for 10 minutes, or until al dente. Drain and reserve ½ cup of the cooking water.

  • Heat a large frying pan over a medium/high heat. Add in 2-3 tablespoons of the spicy prawn oil and the remaining onion and garlic. Cook for 2 minutes before adding in the tomatoes and toss through to soften slightly. Add in the prawns and cook them for 1 minute.

  • Add the spaghetti and basil to the prawn and tomato mixture and toss through with a little of the pasta cooking water to coat the pasta.

  • Divide the pasta into serving bowls and top with a little extra spicy prawn oil, grated parmesan and cracked black pepper.