Baby Gem Salad With Greek Yoghurt Dressing Crispy Prosciutto

Baby Gem Salad With Greek Yoghurt Dressing Crispy Prosciutto

Recipe By Courtney Roulston


  • 4 baby gem lettuce, washed, quartered

  • 2 tbsp Squeaky Gate extra virgin olive oil, plus extra to serve

  • sea salt and pepper to taste

  • 6 slices prosciutto

Green Yoghurt

  • ½ cup basil leaves

  • 1 bunch chives, 1 tbsp reserved to garnish

  • 1/2 clove garlic

  • 1 anchovy fillet

  • juice and zest of ½ lemon

  • 2 tsp honey

  • ¾ cup Jalna Greek yoghurt

  • 25 g parmesan cheese, add into the mix after you have finished with the blender, plus extra shavings to serve


  • For the dressing, place the basil, chives, garlic, anchovy fillet, lemon zest, lemon juice, honey, parmesan, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a pinch of salt into the jug of a stick blender. Blitz until smooth and bright green. Place the yoghurt into a bowl and whisk through the herb mixture until smooth. Set aside.


    Heat the remaining 1 tablespoon of oil in a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat. Cook the prosciutto for 2-3 minutes, or until crispy. Remove and allow to cool before breaking into rough shards.


    Arrange the lettuce wedges onto a serving platter and drizzle with the green yoghurt dressing.


    Scatter the crispy prosciutto over the top and garnish with chives and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.