Mushroom Miso Soup

Mushroom Miso Soup

Mushroom Miso Soup

Recipe by Michael Weldon



  • 4 sheets Kombu

  • 100g dried shiitake Mushrooms

  • 1.25 ltr water


  • ¼ cup miso

  • 1 pack Silken Tofu, diced

  • 6 fresh shiitake mushrooms, sliced thinly

  • 1 bunch enoki mushrooms, trimmed

  • 3 spring onions, sliced thinly

  • ½ cup dried wakame

  • 1tsp soy sauce


  • In a large pot combine the kombu, dried shiitake and water. Place onto a low heat and bring up to a gentle simmer.

  • Simmer for 20-25 minutes until the water is seasoned with the seaweed and mushrooms. strain the inclusions from the dashi base then return to the heat.

  • Add the miso to the dashi and whisk until combined. Add the tofu, fresh shitake, enoki, wakame and soy sauce. Simmer until the ingredients are heated through. Taste for seasoning and adjust if needed. Add the spring onion then serve.