Crisp Skin Duck Breast with Peach, Tarragon and Honey
/Crisp Skin Duck Breast with Peach, Tarragon and Honey
2 Luv-a-Duck Duck breasts
4 Peaches, quartered
1 Onion, cut into rings
2tbs honey
1tbs butter
1 lemon, juice
1 bunch tarragon, leaves picked
1 bag Butter Leaf Mix
¼ cup roast almonds, diced
Red Island Olive oil
Sea Salt
Place the duck breasts skin side down in a cold pan. Place the heat over a medium heat and cook on the skin side for ¾ of the cooking time. Once the fat is rendered and the skin is golden turn and cook until the other side is set. Once cooked remove from the pan and leave to rest.
In the same pan, the duck was cooked in add the honey and butter, cook until the honey and butter melts. Add the lemon juice and pinch of salt, stir through and remove from the heat.
In a griddle pan grill the peaches and onions until they get bar marks and soften slightly.
Slice the duck into thin pieces.
To serve, lay the leaves on a platter, top with peaches, onion and duck. Then drizzle over the dressing, making sure to dress every piece of duck. Finish with the tarragon leave and almonds.
Recipe by Michael Weldon